EOD 3D Printing: Design, Maintain, and Operate


SKU: IE-TC-0025-1-1-2-1 Categories: , , ,


Virtual MTT- Single Seat (with kit)

In this course students will take an ordinary kit 3D printer and convert it to a professional 3D printer with the included modifications. Students will also configure a raspberry pi to add online printing functionality and a camera. Through building their own professional printer, students will learn how their printer works and how to repair common faults. This course is offered individually to allow units to send their best suited Techs to train on 3D printing.


Course includes all tools, parts, and equipment required to run 3D printing operations for an EOD Shop. All files and licenses are also included. Each student will receive an Ender 3 with some modification kits and a supply of filament. Students are expected to supply their own laptop that can run the Cura software.



Day 1: Printer and Software Setup.


Assemble printer with curated modifications. Setup hardware and software and print simple explosive tools from example STL files. Install Raspberry Pi to enable online printing.

Day 2: Preventative Maintenance and Troubleshooting 


Inventory spare parts and perform preventative and corrective maintenance IAW manufacturer documentation.

Day 3: Fusion 360 Setup and Design


Install and configure Fusion 360. Draw simple enclosures using Fusion 360. Import PCB in 3D from Eagle CAD.

Day 4: 3D Printed Explosive Tools


Design and print explosive tools. Learn which materials hold water and how to orient prints for maximum tool performance.

Day 5: Capstone Project- Design and 3D Print Mechanical Boobytraps.

Create your own 3D printed device that includes electronics for use in your training. Your concept will be reviewed by the instructor


All kit and training materials will be provided and retained by the students at the end of the course. Expect to complete this challenging course with materials to go back and train your unit.


Tuition must be paid in advance of course. Tuition is for one student.


Deliverables :

  1. 3D Printer Kit with upgrades (One for online by the seat)

  2. Online Course (One Student)

  3. Electronics Kits for Labs

  4. Student Training Notes (Online)

  5. CAD files (from the labs)

  6. Certificate of Completion