Class will be conducted in our San Diego Training Facility Dates to be announced
The Advanced IED Electronics Training Course is 5 days – 40hr, of theory and practical application instruction. The course is specifically tailored to meet the potential operating environment of Bomb Technicians and includes basic electronics theory, use of diagnostic tools and device construction of recent terrorist circuits. Students will be arranged in small groups or rows where the primary instructor will lead the classroom thru curriculum, highlighting enabling learning objectives, utilizing a combination of Power Point presentations, digital whiteboard examples, and open-forum discussions. Students will be engaging in mathematical problem solving, bread boarding circuit construction, printed circuit boards, basic electronic theory, IED and circuit board power sources, digital multi-meter application, proper soldering techniques, circuit board components such as: transistors, SCR’s, Mosfet’s, Resistors, Semi-conductors, transistors, and commercial off the shelf products. The students will also discuss and conduct practical exercises validating integrated circuit board theories. This training is intended to provide Bomb Technicians with the knowledge, skills and practical ability to initiate protective measures or offer technical advice or response in the event of an actual terrorist threat or incident involving an IED response operation. Knowledge gained during classroom lectures will be reinforced by practical exercises during each block of training. Attendees will be provided with student handouts detailing material and techniques that will be covered during the course. Upon completion of this course student be able to design, construct, and maintain IED training devices in support of future training events and operational tasks. Attendees will maintain control of all student handouts, diagnostic kits, and training aids, at the completion of the training week.
- Student Parts Kit
- Course Slides
- Graduation Certificate
Day 1: Review math fundamentals Electrical properties and Component identification
- Voltage
- Current
- Materials (conductor, insulator, semiconductor)
- Resistance
- Ohm’s law
- Series and parallel connections
- Voltage/current laws
- Switches (important to IEDs, show examples, demo switching circuits)
- Relays
- Power sources
- Resistors (color code, tolerances)
- Voltage dividers
- Capacitors (cap formulas)
o RC time constant
o RC charging circuit
- Diodes
- Transistors (NPN or PNP) (Sample circuits)
o PNP transistors
o NPN transistors
o Voltage controlled
o Current controlled
- SCRs (Thyristor)
Building Devices:
- Breadboarding “Draw, Solve, Build, & Test”
- Multimeter basics (voltage drop across single resistor, current through a variable resistor, continuity and resistance)
- Voltage divider
DAY 2: Math Review and Problems Breadboarding Circuits
- Transistor (NPN and PNP)
- 555 Timer – one shot
- 555 Timer – touch sensor
IEDs and Training Devices
- Anatomy
o Block diagram:
- IED Divisions and classifications
o More device examples
o Bomb making equip
o Homemade explosives
- Training device vs. IEDs
- IED examples
- Breadboard simple IEDs
o photocell/LDR w/ NPN transistor
o SCR w/ mercury switch
o MOSFET w/ cap timer)
DAY 3 : Math Review
Lecture ARM/Fire IEDs (How to connect two circuits…arm circuit and fire circuit)
Breadboard Dual SCR w/ ARM and Fire if time permits)
Breadboard MOSFET timer ARM / student’s choice FIRE
Soldering Basics Lecture and Demo
Day 4: Logic Circuits:
Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits in IEDs RCIED:
RFT-2 Build
DTMF Principles
Day 5: Introduction to PIC Programming in PIC Basic
Lab: Build PIC based IED with the PIC IED Board